Creating Unshakable Trust – Modelling Project


As humans, we are capable of much more than we think we are. There are numerous stories of courage and inspiration recorded in history that demonstrates that given the right context, we raise above our perceived limitations and boundary conditions.


Yet, do we have to wait for the right context? This was the question that got me on a journey of another question – “How can keep growing beyond my perceived boundary conditions?” 


And one of the crucial elements that I discovered to do this was “Trust in self”. I realised that we have a natural capacity to be at our best. More often than not, it’s us who come in our way to get there.


So, once we build that unshakable trust in ourselves, we can easily start to live our life to the fullest. We can feel comfortable walking into the unknown and keep growing. 


I have spent the last couple of years unpacking the structure of having trust in myself. I got the opportunity to model amazing people for this. And eventually, I built it into a modeling project for Rapport Magazine which is run by the Association of NLP. 


Enjoy reading this Modelling project on Creating Unshakable Trust in Self. I would love to know how this model is helping you build more trust in yourself. 


And of course, if you would like to go deeper into Modelling then you can also join us for our next NLP Master Practitioner Program from 21st Sept – 15th October 2024. Click here to learn more about it. 

Are you ready to start your journey with NLP?

Hey, I am Nishith Shah. At Thought Labs, we are committed to support you in your journey of personal and professional transformation. 

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